
It is incredibly hard to tell the truth sometimes.  Sometimes you just want to sit in your backyard and listen to music instead of confronting the truth or the person you’re aggravated at.  I think it depends on the person who you want to confront though…it’s not like you want to avoid the world forever … More Coop


You know when you think you’ve found the best of both worlds…that wasn’t supposed to resemble a Hannah Montana lyric at all.  But back to the main point, it’s like when you’ve mastered the impossible?  Work, fun work, family, play…etc.  And you sit and think: can it honestly be done?  Part of you still sits … More Wilting


I am sitting outside at my mom’s apartment complex right now and am watching the construction workers re-do the ponds that surround the area.  It’s really funny because you see like 20 guys in neon orange being followed by these office workers that are confronting their every move.  Of course, the construction workers are getting … More Sleep


Let me just state the obvious: it’s 11:40, I want to jump on the bed in my apartment without people thinking that I am having sex, I am listening to the new Daft Punk album, and I am contemplating a few things.  One of them being the theory that if you have your cell phone … More Machine


So as of late, I’ve been having the worst writers block…I don’t know what it is.  I have been running, sleeping, and doing everything imaginable to try and cure this deadly plague.  I even took up my old college writing remedy (note: it is fail proof): 7 cups of coffee a day, 6 hours of … More Shoes


Have you ever just wondered about the meaning of life?  I am not talking about some Jesus epiphany or something; I am talking about one of those meanings where you sit at home and stress out.  Well I am sitting here drinking coffee and I think I found the meaning of it all. Yes, this … More Meaning